The Results of the Bone Mineral Density Screening of Istanbul-Sultanbeyli
Original Article
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September 2006

The Results of the Bone Mineral Density Screening of Istanbul-Sultanbeyli

Turk J Osteoporos 2006;12(3):0-0
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Aim: Our aim of this study is to determine demographic characteristics and social insurance profile of the patients by doing osteoporosis screening in the socioeconomic developing territory.Material and Method: Six thousand eight hundred sixteen cases enrolled in this study, who were living in Istanbul-Sultanbeyli. Bone mineral density was measured by using radiographic absorbsiometry (Metriscan-ALARA). Demographic characteristics and social insurance profile are interrogated.Results: Of the total cases, 19.6% were unemployed, 69.6% were housewive, 4.2% were self-employed, 2.7% were retired, 2.2% were officials, 1.1% were workers, 0.5% were managers. There were not social guaranty on 44.4% of the cases. Of the other cases, 6.9% were members of Emekli Sandigi, 42.3% were members of SSK, 5.4% were members of Bag-Kur, 1.1% were members of Yesil Kart. According to the age of the people occurrence of osteoporosis; in 40-49 age group 3.2%, in 50-59 age group 9.5%, in 60-69 age group 32%, in 70 years old and over it was calculated as %48. The overall occurrence of the osteoporosis were 7.8% and 31% of them had not social guaranty. Conclusion: When the cost of the osteoporosis treatment is considered, it seems difficult to have treatment for the cases havent social insurance. The majority of the same kinds of socioeconomicly developing territories increases the importance of the studies about how to prevent osteoporosis twice as much. (Osteoporoz Dünyasindan 2006;12:47-9)Key words: Osteoporosis, socioeconomic level, radiographic absorbsiometry

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