The Value of Calcaneal Quantitative Ultrasound And Phalangeal RadiographicAbsorbsiometry in Diagnosis of Osteoporosis: A Comparative Study
Original Article
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September 2006

The Value of Calcaneal Quantitative Ultrasound And Phalangeal RadiographicAbsorbsiometry in Diagnosis of Osteoporosis: A Comparative Study

Turk J Osteoporos 2006;12(3):0-0
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SummaryAims: The current method for screening osteoporosis involves dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). The aim of this study to determine specifity and sensitivity of the calcaneal quantative ultrasound (QUS) and radiographic absorbsiometri (RA). Materials and Methods: We enrolled a total of 69 community-dwelling people aged between 30-81 years. Of all the patients phalangeal bone mineral density (BMD) was measured using RA; calcaneal BMD was measured by using QUS; lumbar spine and hip regions BMD was measured using by DEXA. The screening results conducted by QUS and RA were compared with the DEXA results.Results: While QUS measurements revealed osteopenia in 21 cases (30.4%) and osteoporosis in 31 cases (44.9%); RA measurements revealed osteopenia in 21 cases (30.4%) and osteoporosis in 33 cases (47.8%). Whereas according to lumbar vertebra DEXA results: 21 cases revealed osteopenia, and 30 cases revealed osteoporosis; according to hip DEXA results: 26 cases revealed osteopenia, and 19 cases revealed osteoporosis. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value for identifying cases with osteoporosis by QUS were 66.7%, 78.8%, 77.4%, 68.4%, respectively, and by RA were 75%, 81.8%, 81.8%, 75%, respectively. Conclusion: QUS and RA seem to be valid and practical method. Due to highly concordant RA and lumbar vertebral DEXA results, RA appears to be a useful technique for assessing osteoporosis. (Osteoporoz Dünyasindan 2006; 12: 43-6)Key words: Osteoporosis, dual energy-ray absorbsiometry, phalangeal radiographic absorbsiometri, calcaneal quantitative ultrasound

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